So that string secretly became a number?

05 Sep 2019

My first introduction to javascript was in 2018 through a course we had in school, at the University of Bergen. It was a group project where we were supposed to develop a webpage by using javascript, HTML and CSS. The group consisted of four people and we all got different responsibilities. Unfortunately, my focus area was not javascript, which resulted in that I did not get to know it in depth. At the same time, I got an introduction to the language, so I would say it gave me a good foundation to continue learning more.

Before I got introduced to javascript, the only programming experience I have is java. The thing I experienced during my semester with learning javascript, was that it was not alike java, as I had assumed.

One thing I really like about javascript, is that I easily can access my code in the console at the webpage (trough HTML and CSS). This makes it easier to see the result of the work I have done (and of course all the errors!). I think it gives me more motivation to correct what is wrong, when I constantly can see my progression.

Furthermore, I want to learn a lot more about javascript, especially get more practice so it makes me more comfortable to write the language. Seen in this context, I think the WODs will give me a lot of good practice and probably a lot of frustration as well.

I am looking forward to the combination of working alone and together in groups. To me it is an important way of learning. By discuss problems with other I will get some new perspectives, as well as learn new things within the program language. At the same time, it is important to get some experience myself, by working alone.

I know I will run in to a lot of frustration from errors, but then it makes the feeling of achievements so much better when you are succeeding.