Error, you´re missing the green checkmark!

26 Sep 2019

This week I got introduced to ESLint. So what is actually ESLint? That was what I was thinking when i got indtroduced to it. I found our real quick that is was coding standards, and that it is a easy way to improve my code. According to ESLint, it is “… a tool for identifying and reporting on patterns found in ECMAScript/JavaScript code, with the goal of making code more consistent and avoiding bugs”. By getting error messages it can help me solve my code errors, but also the structure of my code.

To produce code with good quality, you have to be consistent and make sure you are following the coding standards along the way. This will help others easily understand your code and also have a more cosistent code if there are several people working on the same code.

The green checkmark

The green checkmark, which appears on the right hand side on the screen is my saving angel. If I have an error in my code, it shows a describing message of what´s wrong, and if nothing is wrong it gives me this little icon!

Picture found here .

My impression

After using ESLint for a week now, I experienced that it is a really good tool. Not only for correcting syntax error, but it make me more focused on writing the code. This minimaze the time I need to use of trying to figure out what the errors in my code are.

From my experience, there´s a lot of variety of in the way people code. By applying ESLint to your program environment, I think it will make the the way we all code javascript more alike, and further it will be easier to collaborate and understand others code.

Picture found here .